Weather Guarantee

Sadly, the following line is from Cricinfo, not The Onion:

According to the ICC, Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) were unable to provide a guarantee during a teleconference on Wednesday that there would be no rains in Colombo during the tournament which runs from September 24-October 5.

I can understand the ICC’s concerns about the weather, but why on earth go through the charade of asking for a guarantee that would be no rains during that time? It is a characteristic of our species to assume certainty about matters that are inherently uncertain, but surely no one could possibly think that the weather is one of those things.

You know what the SLC dude should have said when the ICC fellow asked him for a guarantee?

“Sure, I can give you a guarantee,” he should have said, “but first you have to give me a guarantee.”


“You have to give me a guarantee that no one from the ICC will fart between now and then.”

“Excuse me? Why?”

“Because if you fart, the massive amount of methane produced might upset the balance in the atmosphere, thus causing rain in South Asia. You get what I’m saying? Go easy on the rajma.”

(HT: Manan.)