Having blogged about Dr K Chaudhry’s inspired tribute to MJ a few days ago, I forgot all about it until Gaurav drew my attention to a comment Mr Chaudhry left on the YouTube page of that song, presumably addressing the commenters there. I reproduce it as is:
I am deeply indebted to you and Amit Varma on such a multievent day for me :-
1. First meeting witth a music teacher just postponed due to rain.
2. Interview at Fever 104 FM after 5 PM today.
3. Contacted by AajTak/HeadlinesToday for possible coverage soon.
4. Telephone interview with Poh Si Teng for Agence France-Presse and the Wall Street Journal.
More power to Doctorsaab. I wish I could have just a fraction of his courage and self belief.