Neelankantan sends me the WTF news of the day:
The British Government will air ads on Pakistani television urging terrorists to not attack Britain.
Prominent British Muslims will star in the British Foreign Office-funded £400,000 (approximately Rs 2.9 crore)-campaign that is set to break on Pakistani television next Monday, The Guardian reported on Tuesday.
And in case you’re breathing a sigh of relief that Indians don’t grovel in this manner, read this:
A group of Hindu leaders on Wednesday appealed to Islamic religious institutions and scholars to come forward with an appropriate ‘fatwa’ (edict) to declare that Hindus were not ‘kaafirs’ (non-believers) and that there need not be a “jihad” (war) against them in India.
“The fatwa should say that India is not ‘Dar-ul-Harab’, which means it is not a land against which Islamists have to wage a war,” convener of the All India Acharya Sect Dayanand Maharaj told journalists in Mumbai on Wednesday.
Speaking at a seminar, Dayanand said our country is a ‘dar-ul-amen’, a land of peace, as here Muslims could practise Islam without any impediment.
As Atanu Dey, who sent me the second link, writes on email: “Appease the monster so that it will eat you last.”
I understand that it would be nice to counter the anti-West and anti-India propaganda that is brainwashed into terrorism recruits. But this will only make them laugh at us, and will convey the message that we’re running scared. The “Hindu leaders” mentioned in the piece above were speaking in their private capacity, and that’s fine—but the British government is spending taxpayers’ money to plead with terrorists not to attack them. What are they smoking?